IndoCanada Ottawa Business Chamber hosted its first Virtual Wellness Workshop for Professionals and Business Owners on 2nd Dec 2021. The event was well recieved and we got very positive feedback.

On popular demand, we are pleased to present Virtual Wellness Workshop for Professionals & Business Owners - Part II.
Workshop #2 - 13th Dec. (6PM to 7PM)
Register for the Webinar at:
*** Please note that since this will be a Zoom "Webinar", the identity of the attendees would be kept confidential and attendees can't see other attendees in the webinar. By default, your mic and camera will be disabled, unless enabled by the host. You are encouraged to ask questions during the session. The moderator will address your questions periodically. You can use the “Raise your hand” symbol on your Zoom window to ask a question, the moderator will unmute your mic, when ready to take the question. You can also type your questions in the Q&A box and the moderator will ask on your behalf.
Sponsor: Sanjay Bhasin, Portfolio Manager & Senior Investment Advisor with @HighLifeWorth™ Wealth Management / IA Private Wealth (
More Information about the wellness workshops:
HighLifeWorth™ = Healthy & Planned Finances + Healthy (Body + Mind + Spirit)
To achieve HighLifeWorth™ (bliss), we not only need Financial Wellness but also Mental & Physical Wellness.
Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our actions and emotions. Achieving optimal wellness is the foundation to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and to establish a work-life balance.
In these interactive workshops you will learn:
* Practicing daily discipline with a positive mindset
* Energy drainers vs. energy amplifiers
* How to uplift your mood and reduce stressors
* Key steps to improve your quality of life
* Understanding the Body-Mind Connection
* 4 Key Pillars to improve your self-discipline
* 7 Aspects of Wellness
Presenter: Manali Haridas
Manali is a holistic wellness consultant and coach with HighLifeWorth™ Wellness
Please contact the ICOBC Board members Harpreet Chhabra, Ravinder Tumber, Kameshwar Mishra, B. Com., LL.B. ACIArb., FCCA, CPA, CGA, Baljinder Basi, Tejpreet Dulat, Sanjay Bhasin, Balwinderjit Singh Kapoor, M.Eng, MBA, LLB for any additional information.
IT Support: Puneet Aggarwal